Unless otherwise noted, all materials that are part of this website, including images, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, video clips, and written and other materials are copyrights, trademarks, trade dress and/or other intellectual properties owned, controlled or licensed by the Inuvialuit Cultural Resource Centre. Images showing a Smithsonian Institution watermark are used in this exhibit with the permission of the Smithsonian Institution. We invite you to use the material on this website for educational and personal purposes. Copyright and other propriety notices should be kept intact with the material. Transmission or reproduction of items beyond education and research, especially commercial, requires the written permission from the Inuvialuit Cultural Resource Centre or other indicated copyright and or intellectual property rights owners.
For more information please contact:
Inuvialuit Cultural Resource Centre
292 Mackenzie Road, Bag Service 21
Inuvik, NT, X0E 0T0
Phone: (867) 777-2595
The stories and opinions expressed in this website represent the experiences and viewpoints of the project team and project participants. They do not represent the experiences or opinions of all Inuvialuit people.