Quiver, part of a set that includes seven arrows (E7481B). The quiver is made from caribou hide. It has a sleeve for a stiffener sewn along one side, and a carrying strap made from a hide thon is sewn onto that side. Above the carrying strap is another thong that likely was used for wrapping around the quiver when not in use. Ten cut and notched hoof sheaths have been attached to the quiver with hide thongs; several other thongs sewn along the sides may have held similar hooves. The quiver has been decorated on one side with red ochre lines. One line runs almost the entire length of the quiver. Shorter lines terminating in a 'Y' shape are connected to the longer line at right angles. Between each of these lines is a still shorter line. The quiver is large enough to have held a strung bow, in addition to the arrows.